The Flute Case

Monday, March 06, 2006

Mostly Music

This blog is mostly about music. But one of my other interests is a TV show called Star Trek. Yes, I am a nerd! But, the sad thing about Star Trek today is that it seems to be dieing. There are no plans for a new Star Trek movie or series. I was exremely disappointed in the last series "Enterprise". I did not really like it. This is comming from a person who has been a Star Trek fan ever since she was a little girl. I used to play Star Trek in my room when I was a kid. This new series "Enterprise" had a storyline that started before Captain Kirk (Star Trek the origanl series). The reason I think this series failed, is the storyline. I dont think anyone is interested in what happened before Captain Kirk. It is my opinion that people are more interested in the future. What happened after "Star Trek Voyager". When the "Star Trek Voyager" crew finally found their way home. How did that impact the Earth, Starfleet, etc. It is sad to me that Star Trek is loosing support in Hollywood. But one thing I can guarentee is that it is not loosing fan support. Check out this web site:

This is the funniest thing I have ever seen. But it shows just how far people will go when they love something.


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